The Institute of Art Research at the Vilnius Academy of Arts & the Polish Institute of World Art Studies
on the 100th anniversary of the revival
of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Stefan Batory University
in Wilno (Vilnius), located since 1945 at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
10-11 October 2019
The Centre of Contemporary Art “ZNAKI CZASU” Wały Generała Władysława Sikorskiego 13, 87-100 Toruń
10 October
09.00-09.30: Registration
09.30-09.40: Prof. Dr. Elżbieta Basiul, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, NCU, Toruń: Welcoming Speech
09.40-10.00: Prof. Dr. Jerzy Malinowski (Faculty of Fine Arts, NCU, Toruń; PIoWAS), Dr. Małgorzata Geron (Faculty of Fine Arts, NCU, Toruń; PIoWAS): Opening of the Conference
Session 1
10.00-10.20: Prof. Dr. Irena Kossowska (Faculty of Fine Arts, NCU, Toruń; PIoWAS), The “Vienna School” and Polish Neo-Realism of the 1930s
10.20-10.40: Dr. Rasa Butvilaitė (Vilnius Academy of Arts, Institute of Art Research, Vilnius), Architectural Education in Vilnius in the Inter-War Period (1919-1939): Construction of a New Identity of The City
10.40-11.00: Dr. Stella Pelše (Institute of Art History of the Latvian Academy of Art, Riga), Construction and Constructivist Art in the Writings of the Latvian Art Critic Uga Skulme in the 1920s and 1930s
11.00-11.10: discussion
11.10-11.30: coffee break
Session 2
11.30-11.50: Prof. Dr. Swietłana Czerwonnaja (prof. emeritus NCU Toruń; PIoWAS), The Fate of the Wilno / Vilnius Art School during the Second World War
11.50-12.10: Dr. Rasa Žukienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas), Art Teaching and Artists’ Works in the Context of Power Relations in 1944-1953: The Case of the Reorganization of the Kaunas Institute for Applied and Decorative Art
12.10-12.30: Dr. Piotr Słodkowski, Dr. Jakub Dąbrowski (Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw), From Regional Modernism in inter-war Lwów to the Postmodern Strategy of Artistic Appropriation in the Later Polish People’s Republic: A Twofold Insight into the Circulation of Artistic Ideas
12.30-12.50: Dr. Ieva Pleikienė (Institute of Art Research at Vilnius Academy of Arts), The Education of Artists in Lithuania during the Soviet Period: the Relation between Official Programmes and Individual Positions
12.50-13.00: discussion
13.10-14.30: dinner (Karczma “Gęsia Szyja”, ul. Podmurna 28)
Session 3
14.40-15.00: Agata Knapik (PIoWAS), Radical Architecture in Florence and its Contribution to Art and Design Education
15.00-15.20: Dr. Lina Michelkevičė (Institute of Art Research at Vilnius Academy of Arts), Back to School: Contemporary Art Embraces Pedagogy
15.20-15.40: Linda Teikmane (The Art Academy of Latvia, Riga), Towards Utopian Emerging Art Education
15.40-15.50: discussion
15.50-16.10: coffee break
Session 4
16.10-16.30: Adrianna Kaczmarek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Self-portraits by the Nine Printmakers Group (1947-1960) from Their 3rd Exhibition Catalogue: the Question of Quiet Resistance
16.30-16.50: Dr. Piotr Koprowski (University of Gdańsk), A Contemporary Critic of a Literary Work: A Few Reflections
16.50-17.10: Marija Griniuk (University of Lapland, Finland), Presentation of the Book BiteArchive
17.10-17.20: discussion
17.20: close of the conference
20.00-22.00: social gathering (“Kuranty”, Rynek Staromiejski 29 / Old Town Square 29)
11 October
09.15-12.30: Walking tour of the Old Town with a local guide